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I'm okay with the tone. One of my treasures is a book called "Ogilvy on Advertising" by David Ogilvy. In it, he impales, flays, dices, and torches campaigns and advertisements for various companies. His tone is less confrontational than Dustin's, but given the age of the book, I think it's at least as confrontational relative to the cultural standards of its time.

The book is now a classic, and Ogilvy built his eponymous firm into a powerhouse on the back of his reputation for telling anyone and everyone who would listen how terrible most advertising is, and how incompetent both clients and agencies are.

And what kind of stuff did David Ogilvy advocate? Simplicity. He ranted and raved about advertising that failed to pic a simple benefit and hammer it home, advertising that failed to motivate the reader to act. I see Dustin's rant in the same light, telling AA to get to the point and make it easy to fly with them.

Dustin may or may not follow in Ogilvy's footsteps, but this kind of thing certainly has precedent.

Yes! Forget the tone and focus on the quality of the customers feedback AA get from this site, any company can only imagine the feedback like this, and AA gets it right now and for free.

Well, AA is unlikely to read it and fire their team based on Dustin's say-so :-)

But from time to time companies wake up and smell the coffee all on their own. AA may get fed up with their marketing team and "clean house" themselves, hiring a new manager and looking for new outside talent like contractors and consultants.

When that happens, the new team are often looking for people who think just like them--that the old stuff was garbage and the old management inept. Dustin could get a call under such circumstances.

Let's hope not. We like having him around at Frogmetrics. :-)

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