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While this is true in theory, compartmentalizing services and data can add security in practice. Attackers may not know the details your internal systems, and any unusual behaviour helps with detecting intrusions.

* For example, if credit card details are stored on a separate service, then the web tier can be given only a "charge the card" API, instead of a full read access.

* Even if the decryption key is held in memory, encrypting the data on disk helps against accidental leaking of backups, physical theft of the servers. Or a hacker with limited skills who copies a database dump, is discovered from the unusual network load, and does not have time to fully investigate the system and extract the key from memory.

* If sensitive data is held on a separate service, but the web tier has read access to it - then the other service can impose rate limiting and unusual activity detection to block attempts to dump everything quickly.

* If the data is encrypted with the user's password, which is not stored in plaintext at all - then the attacker can at best only access accounts that log in before detection.

All of these still give an attacker full access, assuming they have infinite amount of time and skills. But for many practical scenarios, they can reduce the amount of compromised data.

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