Add to that, the additional Motorola restructuring costs and Motorola’s inability to make a profit, it's starting to look like the purchase won’t be far off from a total right down.
The may have been forced to purchase Motorola in order to protect Android?
During its Q2 earnings conference call Motorola hinted that it is ready to join Android patent racket, and start demanding licensing fees for its IP from other Android manufacturers.
This week Motorola’s CEO Sanjay Jha reiterated this message, and made it even more clear – they do indeed have plans to start collecting IP royalties from other Android makers.
I'm sure that's what Google was hoping for.
But it appears the 12 billion paid for those patents don't seem to be offering too much in the way of protection, as they keep losing in the courts.
Add to that, the additional Motorola restructuring costs and Motorola’s inability to make a profit, it's starting to look like the purchase won’t be far off from a total right down.