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Truly spoken like someone who has never written iOS programs. Some iOS programs are actually truly inspiring and I know of many people who haven't gotten into that market because it's too competitive (programming wise).

FWIW, I know my x86 assembly and am not an iOS programmer. But I have huge respect for good iOS programmers. Some of those apps are phenomenal.

He's not claiming that someone who programs for iOS is a bad programmer. At all.

He's claiming that people who identify themselves as an "iOS programmer", rather than just a "programmer", aren't really programmers. A "programmer" might be able to write inspiring stuff for iOS, but they haven't pigeon-holed themselfs into being an "iOS programmer"

> I know of many people who haven't gotten into that market because it's too competitive (programming wise).

Or because it's a market where really awesome programmers can't distinguish themselves from good-enough average ones because few customers can discriminate between those.

The framework is glorious, the underlying user-base code can still be utter horse shit. Any programmer that doesn't know assembly is worth his weight in basic.

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