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Hey! You made ImpactJS? That's very cool, but it's really hard to commit $99 to buy an engine when I can't even try it! It looks super-rad and I'd love to give it a shot, but it's a bit high of a bar for a casual game dev.

If you buy it and don't like it for whatever reason, I can give you a full refund within the first month. That's easier for me to handle than a separate trial license.

I never thought about it that way.

Totally stealing that idea.

Just anecdotal, but we tried that for a while. Our signups and conversions are much higher with a trial. I work on a SaaS product.

have you really never watched TV with commercials about full refunds/money back guarantee?

That's the same way RubyMotion handles trials; it's great to see other developers adopting the same policy/model.

(At least from an end-user standpont. Obviously, you should do your own testing for conversion rate/etc.)

Would you accept Bitcoin as a payment? This way you won't lose money on fees during refund.

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