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$32M is ballsy, and I like it, but here's the problem (b0ing.me)
2 points by b0ing on July 24, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I really liked your old theme... this one is kind of boring. Just saying.

I agree with the article though, but the thing people tend to forget is that the phone can actually be a desktop computer too... which maybe makes it worth it.

I hope the desktop capability is a big seller too, but so far Microsoft has been unable to sell the "all-in-one" experience at a highly successful level with its phone, and they're much better known and more accessible for most users than Ubuntu.

They don't have to hit 32M., it's not kickstarter.

They receive everything even it the goal hasn't reached ;)

"This campaign will only receive funds if at least $32,000,000 is raised by Wed 21 Aug 11:59PM PT."

Thanks, i thought indiegogo had no "time limit" and no goal to be reached.

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