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I think this looks really cool and interesting (esp. given that I'm looking for a home security system right now).

However, please can you make your website simpler and just have a regular scroll? The javascript scroll effect makes it really difficult for me to explore how this works and the benefits / features. I'm on ubuntu linux & chrome and using my scroll wheel is super slow and painful. The js scroll effect is taking away from letting me figure out how this works.

I have no idea why they did this; the device reminds me of Apple's new Mac Pro and presentation. I'm reminded of how awful that was received too. The panels could be condensed to two and then stacked. "One single, beautiful device." One horrible interface; no thanks.

A case study in "just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do it."

It's very easy to scroll through and see the highlights merely by browsing without javascript. Whitelist AWS and you get basically all the images and words on one page. That said, just go straight to the indiegogo page rather than mucking about on the product site.

I'd rather suffer with their fiddly interface than figure out what "whitelist AWS" means.

How do you whitelist AWS?

Oh, just via NoScript/RequestPolicy and allowing it through. :) It doesn't need to be WL'ed if already let through.

I use NS+RP too but I did not see anything listed for AWS.

The images interspersed were hosted on AWS, but weren't required to understand what was going on.

I found it nearly impossible as well to scroll down using my touchpad on a windows 7 laptop. In fact, I found it so distracting that the product that I was at first interested in, quickly became something that it was in fact annoying to gain additional information on.

Their indiegogo page is way better. Skip the standalone site and go straight there:


On linux/chrome as well and this was also my first thought. Even if the "scroll down" text were clickable and automatically scrolled for me, that'd be a big improvement.

Came here to say exactly this. I can only hope their "form over function" mentality does not transfer over to the product itself.

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