1. You aren't billing for time - you are billing for a deliverable that will be done during the day / week (or part thereof) billed.
2. This is not the same as contracting for BigCorp on a 6 month java position at 600 usd pday. That's close but basically an employee without benefits
3. If you move from 100 dollars an hour to 4000 dollars a week (8000 seems to be more norm - you won't work every week) then the high price is to get then to focus on deliverables and not think o you as a person on a seat for six months but as someone who proved the last project did well
2. This is not the same as contracting for BigCorp on a 6 month java position at 600 usd pday. That's close but basically an employee without benefits
3. If you move from 100 dollars an hour to 4000 dollars a week (8000 seems to be more norm - you won't work every week) then the high price is to get then to focus on deliverables and not think o you as a person on a seat for six months but as someone who proved the last project did well