| | Offer HN : MVP for 200$ | |
5 points by toutouastro on July 19, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
| | I started playing with rails 2 weeks ago.I think I can get an MVP working in rails.The MVP will cost you 200$.It should not have a lot of features just the most important ones.I will not do any graphic design just frontend work with a css framework.You will not have to pay anything upfront. Emails : tsl.hacker@gmail.com github.lover@gmail.com |
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Instead, why don't you post some examples of what you have done ? May be build a mock MVP for a simple CRUD app ? You are asking for no money upfront. In that case, I think you are better off building a mock MVP and putting it in front of HN to decide whether your work is worth the $200. What do you think ?