Why would the average user want to see that warning before every movie? It's a waste of time for most people.
If one is such a nitpicker, Netflix isn't a good fit. Pay for the BluRay director's cut. Netflix $7.99/month, and it's a pretty good deal for what they provide.
Who said anything about seeing it before every movie? Add it to the other metadata presented about the movie (probably next to the indicator whether the stream is SD, HD, or "Super HD").
not talking about nagging warnings before the movie.
but making clear what they are selling to being with.
what if there's now a competitor that has decent movies and does not crop the image, and charges 8.99?
it would be a much, much better choice for me and everyone here. but since netflix does not disclose they have the low budget licensing of the movies, i would compare wrong and support the lesser service thinking they are similar and one is just cheaper.
If one is such a nitpicker, Netflix isn't a good fit. Pay for the BluRay director's cut. Netflix $7.99/month, and it's a pretty good deal for what they provide.