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"Read it again. He doesn't call anyone any names."

Yes he does:

"now I'll have to call you perkeleen vittupää"

And according to other comments in this thread, it is apparently quite a foul moniker.

This sort of management style has been lauded on HN ("It worked for Jobs!"), but I have to agree with foobarbazqux's comment[1]; I just don't understand why folks are so eager to not only overlook, but to praise this sort of behvior.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6050411

Possibly because some people (myself included) would actually volunteer to work under someone like this--because "caring enough about the product to get angry" is actually a useful quality in a leader, if you believe in the product and want it to succeed (rather than just being there to make your pay and not make waves.)

Of course, if he also gets angry about not-the-product, he might be horrible to work with--but I've never seen this to be the case; Linus seems like a genuinely nice guy in every other situation.

I also quite like the bluntness in that it is very clear what his opinion is, I can easily understand where and how I went wrong and actively work to correct this.

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