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Golang Diaries II (tbray.org)
96 points by espadrine on July 15, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 46 comments

Of course, anyone can make a Map function for any particular type combination, but Tim Bray has a point. The generic, functional map function cannot be written, and never will.

There is an issue of elegance. If generics were to be added, lists and maps would need to have similar syntax, because they feel and behave like generics. However, they cannot. Their syntax is… not generic enough.

Oddly enough, elegance through consistency was never reached when designing built-in functions like make(): those can be applied on any type, but user-defined functions don't have this freedom. Essentially, there is a Java-like divide between built-in types (which, for instance, you cannot create methods on) and user types. Their rules of elegance don't apply to the built-ins, which is quite odd.

I doubt that this impedes on programming efficiency compared to C. However, some of the duplicated code out there cannot be factored into a library, and map is an example of that.

I took a couple minutes to whip up a quick map function, to be honest I didn't quite believe you. This may be my naivete, but is there any way it's not sufficiently generic for types? I realize it's not suitable for maps, but it satisfies the OP's request for a map that can convert arrays of type Foo to type Bar


I think the point is, if you write map like this you might as well be using a dynamically typed language in the first place because you're deriving no benefit from the type checker. In fact, you're just using casting to completely circumvent it.

Of course. If the main cornerstone of your project is map it's probably not the greatest idea to use Go, but if you're using Go for other reasons and happen to need a quick map function there's no reason to change languages just because Go doesn't have a standard library implementation

But then it's pretty odd to use Go because you like the language, while not being able to design a proper map().

And map() btw is only the tip of the iceberg in functional programming. But then again, Go is not a functional programming language.

Here is something that is less onerous on the caller, but probably slower. [1] Here's the source. [2]

[1] - https://github.com/BurntSushi/ty#examples [2] - https://github.com/BurntSushi/ty/blob/master/fun/list.go#L17

"I doubt that this impedes on programming efficiency compared to C." will not hold true if you're using reflection.

> The generic, functional map function cannot be written, and never will.


> Isn’t it pathetic that so many allegedly-mainstream languages don’t have HTTP libraries that are this natural and idiomatic?

That's after 13 SLoC to make a single HTTP request - I like Go, but that seems almost like a parody. It's not that different from other languages, and the error handling makes it look longer, but for something described as "natural and idiomatic" I would expect it to be one function call plus one failure test, not six and three...

When people complain about comprehensive error-checking, it makes my blood boil.

Checking and handling all possible error conditions is a GOOD thing.

> Checking and handling all possible error conditions is a GOOD thing.

I agree. But Go seems to have taken the most verbose way to achieve that. Pattern matching should have been the way to go if they did not want to use exceptions. Then again, Go does not have functional constructs, and you wouldn't be able to get far with it. Though it still prevents you from ignoring errors, unlike what exists in the language.

Only if you have a meaningfully different thing to do for each type of error, see my response to the sibling comment.

Yep. Sometimes crashing isn't an option. There are places in network & systems code that have seemingly complicated but darn important many permutations of state that already exist. Sometimes the differentiation between error conditions requires a combination of conditions (i.e., talking to an existing legacy system.)

As for single-threaded map, there are at least two necessary behaviors that handle errors very differently:

1. batch all errors/exceptions/etc and return them as an array 2. return on first error

Between that and the bit about the good type inference I thought the post was sarcastic until I saw the gripes.

Experiencing a networking error is different than receiving Status 200 (or any other error status), which is different than getting a media-type different than "application/json". Personally, I don't see what would be gained by combining them all together in a library, except confusion. A lot of libraries do get this wrong and make it difficult to disentangle what is going on.

If you feel like golang needs one method to do all the above, feel free to write one and post it to the mailing list... I doubt that it does, but feel free.

Depends on the use case. I'd say that for many, many cases, all errors should lead to the same result in the application, but with an error-specific informative message. Even if you want to have special handling for errors such as 4xx that might mean something is permanently wrong, getting a 500 is the same as experiencing a network error (except in a client side app where the latter might mean you're not connected to the Internet and should try again, but then you should use yet another API to determine when to connect), and getting a 200 with the wrong content-type has an excellent chance of meaning the same thing as a network error, in the form of a captive portal. To this extent, APIs with many separate error paths that encourage the user to write their own nonstandard error messages are harmful, because they will probably do worse explaining things than with a common method of triage.

Of course there are other cases where the difference matters. It just... doesn't seem very "natural and idiomatic" to me, that's all.

     if ... { return failure }
three(!) times in a row and then he writes:

> Isn’t it pathetic that so many allegedly-mainstream languages don’t have HTTP libraries that are this natural and idiomatic?

Isn’t it pathetic that a wannabe mainstream language doesn’t provide exception handling?

Exceptions are horrible if you're trying to make a fast, dependable, reliable, low-level, concurrent modern day programming language, as Go is. Exceptions are also horrible in that they never improve the readability and understandability of any code they exist in. The Go team, some of whom actually designed C back in the day, are well familiar with Exceptions, why they are bad, and explicitly chose to not implement them.

So no, using the word "pathetic" implies a gross oversight. This was a very deliberate decision, and a good one at that.

You're excluding the comments which would be actual code to handle the very different events which all result in failure. Also, arguable only the first case would be something you'd want to throw an exception in a language which has them anyways. (Not getting a json response from a general http library is far from exceptional)

Just recently, I needed a concurrent map for my project. I looked for a library and started using it. Fast forward a bit and I realized the map was completely untyped. Fast forward a slightly longer bit and I realized (perhaps wrongly? Enlighten me) that there was no way to implement a concurrent map library that wasn't untyped.

We need generics, or perhaps it's more goy to have the same features by some more clever way. But still. We need those features and bad.

I'll be looking at Rust with some more interest meanwhile.

Screw map, let me pass a comparator function into sort for interfaces.

That's not necessary. You can just create a type that embeds the type you're sorting, and define the Less function however you like. It's very efficient since you're just wrapping the entire slice object, not every element in the slice.

  package main
  import "sort"
  type RevIntSlice struct {
  func (arr RevIntSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
      return arr.IntSlice.Less(j, i)
  func main() {
    myList := RevIntSlice { sort.IntSlice {1, 2 , 3 } }
    for _, elem := range(myList.IntSlice) {
Note that if all you want to do is reverse the sort order, sort.Reverse is a better way than what I wrote here. This is just an example of the kinds of things you can do.

>That's not necessary. You can just create a type that embeds the type you're sorting

But that's more work (and more boilerplate) than simply passing an anonymous comparator to the sort function.

Let me guess. You are coming from Java. In Java this would be:

  myArray.sort(new Comparator<MyClass> ({
    CompareTo(MyClass lhs, MyClass rhs) {
      return rhs.compare(lhs);
Is that really shorter? I don't think so.

In any case, there is a more elegant solution in Go, which is simply:

You need to open your mind a little bit, to learn a new language.

You are coming from Java.

Nope. Clojure and Haskell. Clojure:

    user=> (sort > (vals {:foo 5, :bar 2, :baz 10}))
    (10 5 2)

    >>> sortBy (flip compare) . map snd $ [("foo", 5), ("bar", 2), ("baz", 10)]

Yes. I am aware how to sort and can only read your comment as as informative sarcasm as to the ease.

tbray works for Google as "Developer Advocate". Which means he markets to developers.

This is a marketing fluff piece from Google.

"I still haven't written 1000 lines of Go." Why do we care what this guy says then? Because lots of Googlers vote it up.

I suggest you flag this spam :)

> Isn’t it pathetic that so many allegedly-mainstream languages don’t have HTTP libraries that are this natural and idiomatic?

But at every point where Tim then returns a failure we lose insight as to why something failed.

My preferred idiom for handling all errors when it comes to web requests or responses is to return both the error (as it has the detailed message of what happened) and the http status code that matches the error (as it has translated the message into a code that describes the type of error).

This bit would change:

    if !strings.HasPrefix(mediaType, "application/json") {
        // bogus media type, deal
        return failure

    if !strings.HasPrefix(mediaType, "application/json") {
        // bogus media type, deal
        return HttpErr{Err: errors.New(""), Status: http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType}
Whatever receives that knows there has been an error, and has the code available to do tell the developer or end user something meaningful without relying on the error message.

I'm sure others are also creating their own http error as well, so whilst Go does http really well it seems in practise that there are still a few places where it could benefit from a little extra to help standardise the code we write.

All of those Http codes are here: http://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#pkg-constants

Regarding the map stuff, the only other place the lack of generics has stood out has been within slices of a type of thing.

The scenario is: I have a slice of identifiers in an order important to me, for each of these concurrently fetch the record being identified and create a slice of those records ordered as per the initial slice.

We've ended up using this type of thing:

    // Envelope for making sorted concurrent requests for Comment
    type CommentRequest struct {
        Comment Comment
        Err     error
        Seq     int

    type CommentRequestBySeq []CommentRequest

    func (v CommentRequestBySeq) Len() int           { return len(v) }
    func (v CommentRequestBySeq) Swap(i, j int)      { v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] }
    func (v CommentRequestBySeq) Less(i, j int) bool { return v[i].Seq < v[j].Seq }

    // Much later in the code...

    // Make a request for each id
    req := make(chan CommentRequest)
    defer close(req)

    for seq, id := range ids {
        go HandleCommentRequest(id, seq, req)

    resps := []CommentRequest{}
    for i := 0; i < len(ids); i++ {
        resp := <-req
        if resp.Err != nil {
            return resp.Err
        resps = append(resps, resp)

    // Sort them

    // Extract the values
    ems := []Comment{}
    for _, resp := range resps {
        ems = append(ems, resp.Item)
In that example a Comment is a comment made on a forum web page and we're fetching lots concurrently, but needing to return them in the order that they will be displayed.

The problem stems from that envelope, and the need to implement that sort function for every type that we ever want to concurrently fetch and sort.

It's the only place where I think, if we just had generics this could be a lot better.

  if !strings.HasPrefix(mediaType, "application/json") {
        // bogus media type, deal
        return HttpErr{Err: errors.New(""), Status:    http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType}
Sorry, but having dealt with a HTTP library in PHP that did something similar, I would have to hunt you down and kill you. The HTTP response status code from the original request was NOT 415 Unsupported Media Type. Do you have any idea how misleading this error is to the developer? The error you SHOULD be returning is an Application error code "Unexpected Media Type", NOT a HTTP error code. It's the application that has a problem with the returned media type.

> I would have to hunt you down and kill you

Attempts at off-the-cuff witty death threats don't tend to work too well online. I truly hope you were jesting.

Off-the-cuff witty death threats are a long-standing tradition of internet debate amongst programmers. Not for nothing do we repeat the unknown wit who observed that one should:

    Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining 
    your code will be a violent psychopath who knows 
    where you live.

Apologies, yes it was an attempt at humor. I was hoping for more of a discussion on the two approaches though if your still game.


My scenario is a web service, that calls other web services.

It throws an error and then has to return something meaningful to the callee, which is usually both a message that tells the developer calling the web service how to fix it (if it's something that they can fix) as well as the relevant response code.

The advantage from assigning the code at the earliest point the error is detected is that one avoids any later text parsing of the error message to figure out the right code to return. It also allows general switching on the error code range to see whether you really need to throw the error or whether there is some other branch of logic that could be done instead.

With regard to the functional-style "map" function, is it really that much less typing than a simple for loop?

  output := make(output_type, len(input))
  for idx, e := range(input) { output[idx] = convert(e) }
compared to:

  output := map(input, func(in input_type) output_type {
      return convert(in)
There are cases where functional programming can be a lot terser (for better and worse), but I don't think this is one of them. My guess is that the original poster is just adjusting to different ways of doing things between Golang and Ruby-- that's natural.

My biggest complaint about Go so far is that you have to use an external library to get an ordered tree structure. Maps suffice most of the time, but sometimes you need ordering.

[edit: fixed map example]

Loops impose, and guarantee, ordered traversal of a collection. Maps do not. This means that maps can sped up by dividing up the collection into smaller parts and mapping each of them in parallel.

For a language that has concurrency as a central design motivation, it's an unfortunate omission.

As we say in the database world: think in sets, not in arrays.

It's an imperative language with side-effects, unordered mapping would break expectations and produce buggy code.

You can still achieve those speed ups, you just need to be explicit about the division (e.g., by creating a channel, launching goroutines and then collecting the results).


I'm not talking about what Go is; I'm more interested in what it might have been. There's nothing in the law that prevents mapping with side effects. If the side-effects don't require a particular order, why constrain them?

I'm not talking about what Go is; I'm more interested in what it might have been.

Well yes, but there are certain core concepts that define Go, and being imperative with side-effects is one of them. If we drop that, then we're no longer discussing Go but some hypothetical language.

There's nothing in the law that prevents mapping with side effects. If the side-effects don't require a particular order, why constrain them?

But they aren't constrained, they just aren't built-in. Go has loops, not maps, but if one wants to make a mapping function, the link I posted shows there's no constraint in having it execute out of order.

I think we're just restating our arguments. I'm happy to leave it here.

It's an imperative language, not a declarative one. The issue is not ordering (traversal over maps in golang is not ordered), but side effects.

SQL is great. Not all languages have to be SQL.

Assembler is great too, but not all languages have to be assembler.

The modern looping construct imposes order not by design, but by historical accident. Working with a collection of data in assembler works by proceeding through memory addresses in linear order and then jumping back to the top. That pattern got lifted into higher level languages via the DO loop in Fortran.

It's an example of path dependency. Why do we assume that loops are the only natural way to deal with collections? Because that's just how the path of history unfolded. I think the die was cast when it turned out to be easier to build Turing machines than lambda calculators.

Edit: I don't know who downvoted you, but I hope it was an accident.

> There are cases where functional programming can be a lot terser (for better and worse), but I don't think this is one of them.

That's only true in Go because Go doesn't have type inference for closures. In ML for example this would be:

    let output = map (fn i -> convert i) input
or, more succinctly:

    let output = map convert input

Yes, that's true. I just wanted to address the specific suggestion that the original author made.

Languages make a whole set of related design choices and typically none of them makes sense without considering the others. (Sometimes none of them makes sense AFTER considering the others, but that's another story.)

The second example should be

    output := map(convert, input)
After all, map generally handles fetching the element from the array.

I started writing this exact post before I saw yours. It boggles my mind that programmers complain about having to write four lines of code (if properly formatted, which yours is not... but I'm guessing the people that complain about not having a map function also complain about gofmt :)

gofmt is the one feature that I think every language designer should steal from go.

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