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I realise you're done with Gentoo, but I just want to make sure people are aware of

which automatically installs "unstable" versions of packages. Unstable is pretty damn stable in my experience. Maybe not server-proof, but fine for a desktop.

"fresh" means recent, but not "I want to be a tester" :-) From the developer handbook:

> The purpose of ~arch is for testing new packages added to Portage. ... The use of ~arch denotes an ebuild requires testing.

Most original developers don't release broken packages so in general new versions tend to be stable.

This covers the moving from ~arch to arch: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/devrel/handbook/handbook.xml?p...

The guideline there is about a month and no outstanding bug reports. That would be perfect, but unfortunately packages lag because it is easier for the maintainer to not mark them stable. It has probably been discussed before, but the inertia being towards things going stable with inaction rather than the other way around would help.

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