I'd suggest that you try not to jump in the 'configuration band wagon' and first try to learn the very basics of Sublime Text. Also look for v3, which is neat.
Sublime Text 3 is a great editor on its own, and while I do have packages and plugins installed, I believe new users should take the time to familiarize themselves with the editor before bloathing it with whatever X blog post says.
As to ST vs VIM, I used to use Vim, I still use it everyday. ST has a much nicer GUI than MacVim or GVim... and the stuff I used to do in Vim, I can do just as well in ST with Vi-mode.
I'm a long time VIM user and I jumped into the Sublime wagon for a day. And I realized that Sublimes VIM mode was not at all enough, just a shadow of the real thing. To this day, only thing that comes really really close is Emacs with evil mode.
For me, the more I use computers for work, the more stuff I build, GUIs start to be too much in my way. I just need to learn the editor keys and window manager keys to the spine. I don't want nags from my OS to update something, some windows to float wherever they decided this time or some weird services running which I don't know they exist.
Total control on what you own. That seems to be my goal as I get older and more proficient.
What follows is not a critique of Vim - I use Vim just as much as I use Sublime nowaday, if not more. I'm just stating why I found a case for Sublime.
* * *
I'm not implying that Vim mode is the same as Vim, it's not, not at all. But function-wise, I find most of what _I need_ right back into ST.
Also, Vim doesn't quite have multi-cursor the way ST has it. I'm sure Vim has a plugin that does it, but then you have to install it manually or with Pathogen or Vundle - Sublime's Package Manager works way better in that case.
The reason I favor a GUI over Vim's terminalish interface is that in Vim, everything has the same height and width: a char size. In Sublime, I can set my desktop manager to draw menus and stuff in super small points and keep the font of my code in a bigger point. The separator between two editor windows doesn't occupy a whole character width for itself. The status bar at the bottom as well. The autocompletion feature doesn't occupy an arbitrary character-sized space.
Fuzzy search in Sublime is great. ST3 comes with `Goto Definition` which works great too, especially when you tell Sublime what you consider being your project.
It's configurable in Python and JSON, which I find to be more readable than Vimscript and Elisp.
Its fancy design calms my need for artistic beauty, as non-hacker as this might sound. I like that it looks great.
Finally, I write a lot of Go and GoSublime is just a killer plugin.
I've used multiple cursors with Emacs and Vim. It's really nice, but I kind of still don't need that feature.
For beauty, I really love my Solarized desktop. It's functional, the colours are nice and I know exactly where is my editor, my browser and my test terminals.
I've downloaded an app where when you press CMD, a popup appears displaying shortcuts for that program, it's been working wonders. Honestly, I might just go back to VIM, it just feels like home after using it for so long. I've yet to try vintage mode.
I want to hear all of it!