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Getting More - What You Should Know About Negotiating Start-up Job Offers (thedailymuse.com)
10 points by nlow on July 11, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Don't get when people say you should always push for more equity. Why? I'd rather not play the lottery.

If you're not pushing for equity, why are you doing a startup? I'm talking about an earlier-stage startup where there isn't a lot of money for salaries (i.e., you are getting below-market rates regardless).

I'm always surprised by how many people I speak to at other companies who value their equity at 0 when negotiating a startup offer. Whether or not those shares have value to you, they have a huge amount of value to the company/founders/existing employees, and they're a bargaining chip like everything else.

um because it is zero in most cases.

Then don't take any equity and ask for a higher salary instead (or, accept that it's not a time you want to be taking a risk on a startup, and look at a bigger company role). The founders should believe that equity has a lot of value, which means it's an important negotiating chip either way. If they don't, you might have a bigger problem

I find it hard to understand when people join startups where they don't have the conviction that the equity will be worth anything. Although there is always a high chance of failure, you should at least be playing with odds you believe in

Well I am selling pick axes as my time and skills. If you believe there is gold in the river upstream why do I have to bet on it ? If you really want employees to believe in your mission , you are looking for founders not employees.

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