Have they published the leak of Ecuador's surveillance system plans yet? [1]
Admittedly the documents keep getting pulled but apparently they are available on DocumentCloud still.
But I just checked the Ecuador page at WikiLeaks [2] and have yet to see anything. Maybe they just need more time to authenticate the contents? Although then again, Ecuador itself seems to have authenticated it [3].
On that note, Ecuador's page at WikiLeaks seems pretty sparse after 2009 or so. I guess there have been any major secrecy scandals since then in Ecuador?
Admittedly the documents keep getting pulled but apparently they are available on DocumentCloud still.
But I just checked the Ecuador page at WikiLeaks [2] and have yet to see anything. Maybe they just need more time to authenticate the contents? Although then again, Ecuador itself seems to have authenticated it [3].
On that note, Ecuador's page at WikiLeaks seems pretty sparse after 2009 or so. I guess there have been any major secrecy scandals since then in Ecuador?
[1] http://thedesk.matthewkeys.net/2013/06/28/scribd-removes-buz... [2] http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Category:Ecuador [3] http://www.buzzfeed.com/rosiegray/ecuador-defends-domestic-s...