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He's actually not like Colbert or The Onion.

We also have lots of comedians doing that kind of political satire, but most of them just scratch the surface and comedy often blurs the real issues.

Jordi Évole is no longer a comedian, though he started his career as one. Now he does serious interviews and, even if comedy is still present (he's just funny and charismatic), his programme is actual journalism and not just satirical interviews and puns.

I think what gives him the edge over traditional journalism is how he approaches interviews. He looks like the average Joe and is not very knowledgeable, but he asks the questions that matter. Being very charismatic and polite, their interviewees feel confident with him, which he uses to his advantage (lots of slips from interviewees).

He also questions like a lawyer would, asking again and again until he gets an acceptable answer instead of the common PR crap that politicians are used to vomit.

The comedians I names are among the better known, and are just given as current examples. There are others, including those who spoof the news (the Yes Men for example), or who would critique it (George Carlin, Lenny Bruce).

The more general point is that humor can sweeten the bitter pill of truth.

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