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You got your Erlang in my Ruby (brainspl.at)
46 points by coglethorpe on May 1, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

We're using Nanite on a project for delivering e-mails in the background (for now). We have bigger plans for it, but its pretty easy to get running once you get RabbitMQ going.

It has also been running really well in production, though no real load to speak of yet. However, we also run an ejabberd server which has been bullet proof, as are most erlang servers of decent maturity.

Being able to run any number of agents and have them be load balanced with Nanite out of the box, and also add and remove agents from the system flexibly and at will is great.

Why is the title showing (.brainspl.at) ? Is it a bug? Just checked some other submissions from country domains - there are .ca, .in, .co.uk and they all are fine.

yes i think it is a bug in yc with .at domains as anytime my blog shows up here it has that dot in front of it

1. How far does it scale, in terms of number of agents, without needing to change the way you do things?

2. Does this need to run on a LAN or is it possible to spread the agents across the Internet at multiple sites?

1. So far I have tested it with 2000 agents and was not pushing the limit of the broker, rabbitmq is know to handle a lot more connections then this. my goals/estimations will be around probably 5k agents per rabbit cluster with a need to federate/shard nanite systems after they grow that big.

2. This works on LAN or across the net transparently, so it can be used across data centers easily.

awesome! I love this. Now I can finally build my Ruby Web Crawler. Thanks Ezra.

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