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Paul Buchheit Affiliated imo.im Seeks Hacker ($25k starting bonus) (crunchboard.com)
12 points by staunch on Sept 23, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

unifying messaging. blog here ~ http://imoim.blogspot.com/ pb is an advisor

Paul shares an office with this guy. I assume they're similar ages, and seem to be similarly experienced (both early Googlers, now retired). Is advisor really the right word, here?

Is $25k starting bonus a usual thing? I now use this over meebo, so fast and clean

that bonus is your pay. the salary is just sweat equity. i've been tricked by this before.

It does sound like an old dot.com 1.0 scam: $25K starting bonus!!! And your salary is... stock options!

If it is $25K bonus plus $100K salary plus 2-4% of the company, it is worth considering.

The person they are looking for is hard to find and would be worth $95-$140K STARTING at another startup.

There is no way that the founder of imo.im is dumb enough to not pay a salary. This job has to have a six figure salary.

$25k starting bonus is unusual, so far as I know, particularly for an early stage startup that, in theory, has no money and would mostly be paying someone like employee #2 mostly in equity.

It's a good way to help someone along who might have significant unvested options at a larger company. It might not match the "on the table" money, but might sweeten the deal a bit.


it loads faster than meebo

Does it load faster than RadiusIM?


The Google Talk Widget?


Aren't these things a dime a dozen?

It'll definitely be interesting to see if/how they try to distinguish themselves from the others.

According to the blog, the group chat can span multiple networks (AIM, Yahoo!, MSN etc)

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