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Here are my predictions based on what I've read and some guesswork, and being very bored.

iOS. The visual refresh for iOS will make it feel modern and present a new design language for developers, ribbon, leather and wood textures are eradicated, however no fundamental changes such as widgets. There will be some relenting in the iron-fisted control of default apps, but only a couple of apps will be allowed (Browser and Mail).

OSX. OSX gets similar but smaller visual update, and yet more iOS features which are not welcomed by power users (more posts about switching from Mac to Linux will ensue[1]).

Finder. iCloud will be integrated directly into Finder somehow, such that if signed into iCloud the default start place in Finder will be iCloud documents/images which can be viewed on the Mac, along with their associated sandboxed applications. If you do not have the app installed required to open the document you will be shown a link to purchase the app in the App Store. They will also finally relent to power user demands and allow tabs in the Finder via preferences.

The menu bar will be inverted to pure black with white text/icons and no drop shadow. Although the 'z-index' will still be present it will feel flat aesthetically which will fit more with the new design language.

There will be yet more annoying animation with window open/closing, modals etc, and of course no way to turn it off. Core 2 Duo and lower will no longer be supported.

Some sort of Mac Pro similar to the G4 Cube with modular add-ons will be announced and will be ridiculously expensive.

Finally Apple TV possible update to include an app store and have new hardware (possibly $149). It will be compatible with the last generation, but miss out on a key feature like 'Siri TV'.

[1] I use both Linux and Mac.

I want many of those changes to happen, but I think you're being optimistic.

I think Apple will keep support for Conroe (Core 2 and its contemporary Xeon counterparts) for another OS release. Conroe was one of the biggest performance jumps between Intel processor generations in some time, and Apple used the NVIDIA 9400M IGP to give their Core 2 computers passable graphics performance.

I probably am being optimistic you're right. I also hope you're right and they do keep support for Conroe, I currently have an iMac and Macbook Air both running Core 2 Duo. Not sure I will buy Apple hardware again anyway as currently I just want an i7 in a desktop chasis. More and more of what I do is virtualised (be it Vagrant, remote servers etc) so I just need power at a reasonable price.

i don't know why i feel they should introduce a digital camera running iOS.

They do; it's called the iPod Touch.

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