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No, you should have a balanced diet instead.

Why not both? Better yet, why not try to figure out[1] what you're deficient in, and supplement that (either by diet, or supplements as needed)?

It is silly to just assume everyone has the same dietary needs and can be given broad, vague advice like "eat a balanced diet", when that could easily be a full-time job itself and all that might actually be lacking is just a few micronutrients, or just have a subtle intolerance to something that needs to be removed from your diet. These problems are not as uncommon as you may think, and there is too much variation to not only suggest one 'fix-all' solution, but to assume that one can even be had right now. Learn about your specific needs and treat those; don't go off of random anonymous internet comments or bloggers looking for page views.

[1] One possible way to do this: http://www.spectracell.com/patients/our-tests/patient-micron...

Hypothetically, let's assume that I don't eat vegetables but once a week. Should I take a multivitamin daily?

Why do you eat so little vegetables?

Eat food. Not too much.

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