"Artists, you don't need a degree. You need talent.
Designers, you need experience and connections. Education helps, but experience is best.
Programmers, you need talent and the ability to prove your worth, socially. (Many lack skills in communication and social etiquette.) Education is great, but acceptability (within a team) is best.
Producers, you need exceptional communication and organizational talents. Education is good, but managerial talents are best."
"Artists, you don't need a degree. You need talent.
Designers, you need experience and connections. Education helps, but experience is best.
Programmers, you need talent and the ability to prove your worth, socially. (Many lack skills in communication and social etiquette.) Education is great, but acceptability (within a team) is best.
Producers, you need exceptional communication and organizational talents. Education is good, but managerial talents are best."
Rings true across many industries.