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Precisely this. It's really sad to see the sheer volume of conspiracy-theorizing going on around HN.

It's also sad to see the immediate dismissal of alternate story lines even after this discovery.

A conspiracy was just uncovered... and we're concerned about conspiracy-theorizing? The word itself has been dragged through the mud to the point of becoming a dismissing scare tactic, it basically translates to "crazy person, crazy ideas".

Basically, if your story doesn't match the official conspiracy theory given by the government and the companies that work for it, then you must be a conspiracy theorist...

Life is comedy.

I've been called a conspiracy theorist enough, I wear it as a badge of honor now. I'm not one of these anti-vaccine, anti-gmo glenn beck style conspiracy theorist.

No, just one that accepts there is most certainly things going on behind closed doors the public is not privy to, which is all the definition a conspiracy is.

People say, "you are a conspiracy theorist" or a "tin foil hat wearer" in an attempt to discredit what you say. The government doesn't need paid goons to sleuth on the internet to defend them, their are armys of people just waiting to comment on how stupid we all are for challenging the government positions/laws. The battle is already lost in the mind of the average american.

Even though this is an actual conspiracy between the government and several large Internet companies?

> Even though this is an actual conspiracy between the government and several large Internet companies?

If it's a conspiracy, what's the common goal? There's nothing in in for the companies involved. You might just as well say rape is a conspiracy between the rapist and the victim.

>If it's a conspiracy, what's the common goal?

A conspiracy doesn't have to have a common goal between all parties. What kind of bizarro logic did you use to reach that conclusion? People and companies can conspire with others against their will, you know. E.g I blackmail you in order to conspire with me to steal valuable data from your employeer, etc.

The goals are set by the NSA, and the tech companies could not care less about them. The agree to conspire (ie. help the NSA) though, because there would be other consequences if they did not. From prosecution from the government, to under the table blackmail, etc.

wow - a rape analogy? Really?

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