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At VentureCake we use WordPress.

Wordpress has very limited WYSIWYG support. Also there's no paste special, so when I paste a formatted doc without going via gedit I get a bunch of formatting I don't want.

Some of the plugins, like the captchas, should be there by default. Otherwise your blog will be inundated with Spam.

There doesn't seem to be a good way to mark comments by specific users so they're always highlighted. VentureCake has had comments by Alan Cox, the Twittr developers, and Mike DiPetrillo from VMware. There's no way to highlight these specific comments (or other, cool outstanding ones) by default. There's a plugin I tried, but I didn't work.

The ability of some users to post without moderation, or edit their comments anytime.

Plugins add their menus in different places. I can't always find out where a plugin has added itself until I read it's documentation.

I have to resize images for thumbnails and apply effects (like reflections) myself manually in GIMP first.

If I remember, Askimet (anti-spam plugin) is included by default. Captchas for blog spam are usually a bad idea anyway, IMHO, because blog spammers are generally not targeting specific blogs, so even the smallest of obstacles is usually enough to make a spammer go somewhere else. Captchas just add an extra obstacle for the commenter.

Edit: just noticed that Askimet is only free for personal use, so I guess it doesn't help everyone that it is included by default.

Edit 2: by the way, I agree about the plugin menus.

Oh, and live previews of themes and color swatches (which should be independent from themes) using my own data.

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