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What happened to Shoutfit?
9 points by palish on Sept 22, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
http://www.shoutfit.com has been down for a very long time.

No offense to these guys, but how could they simply give up? Even taking another job just to make ends meet is better than stopping. Do they know what kind of opportunity they are giving up on? If they wanted to ditch Shoutfit and try something else I'm sure YC would still help them meet investors, etc. It just amazes me they would pass up on utilizing the opportunity they still have, especially when there are so many other hackers out there (many on this forum) who would give a leg for the same opportunity...

Edit: I'm just going off of altay's comment in the above thread, so I probably shouldn't jump to conclusions. These guys could be working on something new for all I know

you are right about jumping to conclusions. life is complicated (and good)

So.. What happened?

hell, i would give a leg just to get a crack at that domain name and concept. i'm going to submit it as my alternate idea on the application.

What about it?

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