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The Pirate Bay files suit against big media cos for DDoSing them (thepiratebay.org)
26 points by charzom on Sept 22, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I swear the comment section attached to that link has an average IQ of somewhere between fish and salamander.

"I was a 19-year old trying to convince myself and others that I was a man. So, with the other performers, I became at least as profane - nay, foul mouthed and filthy minded, as the most immature of them. I worked hard to develop some fluidity and cleverness in my vulgarity and won my share of laughs from the others.Yet during this whole time I lived with my parents coming down the mountain at an insane speed late at night only to end up in a home where certain words were simply never said and I never said them. Not once did I slip and speak in front of my family the way I spoke constantly in front of the other performers of Sundance. This was not by any herculean effort either, I did not think about changing my behavior. When I was with my parents I wasn't the same person. I have seen this time and again with my friends, with other family members, our whole demeanor changes, our manners, our figures of speech, when we move from one context to another. Listen to someone you know when they pickup the telephone. You have special voices for different people. Our attitudes, our moods change depending on whom we are with."

-Orson Scott Card, Speaker For The Dead. (Introduction, pg 18)

In French we say the IQ of an oyster :)

In German, we say the IQ of a Frenchman

I'm surprized this type of xenophobic comment is given 8 up votes. Is mobbing french people still considered cool ?

The tracks to the poster leads to perdue university. Insulting a community on behalf of german people ? How courageous.

Just out of curiosity, which is smarter, a fish or a salamander?

If nothing else, this will be something for groklaw to focus on now that SCO has finally lynched itself.

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