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Why are we here? - Colleges ignore life's biggest questions, and we all pay the price (boston.com)
4 points by danw on Sept 22, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I like how the article claims that the humanities have a better view of the meaning of life...

"And in the process it has badly weakened the humanities, the disciplines with the oldest and deepest connection to this question"

Why does 'oldest' == 'best'? And how can he claim 'deepest'? Cosmology or math could certainly be reasonable contenders for this claim.

This article is flawed - college shouldn't exist to answer the 'meaning of life question' - it teaches people to be better learners, and to follow their interests.

But perhaps I missed something - I kind of stopped reading at that point.

I've been looking at reading Robert Solomon's books, and video / audio course on Existentialism. I've only read one book of his (on a very different subject) but I can vouch that he's an in-depth, human writer who brings literature, psychology and philosophy (and just plain common human experience) to his writing.

But, though I've only read 2 of 5 pages of this piece, I think we're probably falling apart a bit as a society, because we don't have values beyond money and self. Which is strange, because all that disappears when you die. I think people don't think about that, when they're in their most productive years.

"They say that any program of this sort must rest on religious beliefs, which have lost their status as a source of authority in higher education."

I suppose a religious person might think this.

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