With the exception of maybe asteroids and pong, pre 8bit NES games pretty much sucked. The control were to unresponsive. I think NES really was the dawn of video games with at least some depth to them.
Donkey Kong and Space Invaders had pre-NES cartridge incarnations as well, I remember them being enjoyable though I honestly don't remember what system I played them on. I know it wasn't Colecovision, either one of the Ataris or Intellivision.
Though I'll agree about the controllers -- though personally I preferred the infamous disk on the Intellivision to even the Atari 2600 joystick so I'm probably biased towards that paradigm anyway. I also enjoyed Treasure of Tarmin far, far more than I had any right to.
I remember Burger Time being fun. As well as Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, and a game called Utopia, but I was a kid at the time. I may have to try and play them now to re-evaluate.