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Introducing Octokit (github.com/blog)
119 points by JiPi on May 31, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 47 comments

Just because I'm a massive nerd and anyone else is wondering this.

It looks left the left suit is modeled after the God Gundam (Burning Gundam in the US) in G Gundam.

The right suit seems to be the Abyss Gundam in Gundam SEED Destiny.

I would buy those on stickers in an absolute heartbeat. I'm not saying they're the best part of the projects, but they're pretty awesome.

This looks promising. In the past I've largely defaulted to calling the REST API directly instead of relying on wrappers - primarily since using a wrapper has basically meant looking up 2 sets of documentation (1 for the REST API itself, and again for the wrapper).

IIRC I had the same frustration the last time I attempted to use Octokit (~5 months ago). GitHub maintaining it directly may well alleviate the pain points I experienced. It would help, for instance, to have the wrapper documentation run parallel with that of the REST API itself.

Frameworks and Git submodules?! I wish Cocoapods were the recommended installation method, as Ruby Gems are for Octokit.rb. Just look at how complex the Octokit.objc installation instructions are.

I actually opened an issue about this, which was closed pretty quickly because apparently they don't use CocoaPods internally:


I'm attempting to create a podspec, but the script/bootstrap part stuck me. Not sure if Cocoapods has capabilities to do that. Would be nice to just strip out all of the submodule parts and include the dependencies.

The script just fetches the project's git submodules which you can see here: https://github.com/octokit/octokit.objc/tree/master/External

I'm not sure all of those can be set up as CocoaPod dependencies though.

I have been using octokit for a while now and it is by far the best wrapper around for Ruby. Just make sense to have it official now that Wynn Netherland is working @ GitHub.

Anyone else have blurriness with the SVG octocats on the page itself?

In Firefox 21 on Windows 7, they're decidedly low resolution, but I open them directly [1] they look fine. They render fine in Chrome.

1 http://octokit.github.io/images/gundam-ruby.svg

I have the same issue with Firefox 20.0.1 on Windows 7 64. Chrome it looks great.

Turns out that it's a bug with Firefox's rasterization. :(


One of the most annoying bugs in Firefox since the whole purpose of SVG is that it's resolution independent. I hope more people voice their interest in it being fixed.

Is it just me? Those drawing remind me a lot of the samurai pizza cats!


Samurai Pizza Cats was modeled after shows like Gundam, which these Octocats are also adapted from. :)

Anyone else really want Octocat Gunplas to build and paint now?

When I first read 'GitHub-maintained client libraries' I initially thought they meant built in libraries or templated stub functions, sort of like what they offer for .gitignore for various programming environments and languages. I was a little disappointed when I saw it was just for the Github API, although I expect this to still be useful.

I feel like this is something they could offer in the future though as many IDEs automatically build your environment when a new project is initialized. Assuming you use github as your IDE (i.e. not really using any IDE) project initialization might make sense.

Giter8 (https://github.com/n8han/giter8) sounds like what you’re looking for. “Giter8 is a command line tool to generate files and directories from templates published on github or any other git repository.”

Well, that's quite a change in branding.

Your sword? Your shield? The cute little octocat is now a scowling angry warrior robot?

I must be old and out of touch: I don't understand the appeal of this violent imagery. I thought GitHub was about working together, helping each other out, not slaying your foes.

I like the old octocat and octokitten better:


There have always been loads of Octocat variations[1] of "violent" cartoon characters, such as Wolverine[2]. I don't think anything is intended literally.

1 http://octodex.github.com/

2 http://octodex.github.com/xtocat/

Ah, that is a neat collection. Xtocat may be a bit extreme for my taste, but no worries.

I understand that this stuff is all in fun and shouldn't be taken literally, I just had a rather negative gut reaction to the sword and shield and scowling. Maybe it's useful for people to know that this kind of thing will bring up negative reactions in some people. Or maybe not.

The Octocat used here and in the API control panel[1] reminds me of robot anime (Gundam Wing, etc.) or perhaps Speed Racer. I don't think it's meant to be warrior-like, but futuristic.

[1] https://a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com/images/modules/b...

the octocats here are a reference to gundam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/gundam

I seriously doubt the reference is meant to be violent.

Thanks, I appreciate knowing the cultural reference. I figured it must be something along those lines, but wasn't familiar with the specifics.

But... Not meant to be violent? Even if the robocats themselves are not meant to be violent, how could the introductory language about "your sword" and "your shield" be interpreted as anything but violent?

The only time I can imagine needing a sword and shield would be in a rather violent situation. Quite the opposite of the experience one might hope to have on GitHub.

I see no reference to a shield or a sword. Where do you see that?

It's on the page this post was linked to:


and on the project page:


"Is Cocoa your sword? Let this kit be your shield."

Look, I don't mean to read too much into any of this. I just found it a bit unpleasant, that was all. If that observation is useful for anyone, great, if not, my apology for the distraction.

I missed it entirely. I tried using ctrl + f, but I found nothing because it's an image.

they'll save the nice imagery for the Javascript library.

Who designed http://octokit.github.io/ ? So fresh and so clean. @mdo must have had a hand in it...

The font for the introduction looks a bit off here, but otherwise I agree.

@bryanveloso did the site, @jeejkang did the illustrations

My bet's on Bryan Veloso, just going by the Japanese sub headings.

A JavaScript version of this would be really nice...

I dislike the lack of documentation for the Objc version.

Edit/addendum: The Ruby version is fine and I'm glad they've made it the official library.

We do need some examples, but the headers are documented quite extensively, FWIW.

Given the mascot art for this, shouldn't the library be named "Octotron" or "Octocon"?

The library was already existing, changing name and namespace for a mascot would probably not make sense ;)

I should've said that my comment was meant to be read in Comic Book Guy voice :).

Shouldn't the ruby guy be dressed less like a robot and more like Robin Hood?

I'm surprised Cocoapods isn't being used with this.

Yeah, the GitHub folks don't use Cocoapods internally.

Looks cool! But why the Japanese?

For anyone wondering, the texts simply say "Ruby", "Objective-C" and "Thank You!" at the bottom (at least according to Google Translate).

Like Gundam kits.

Where can I buy the 1/100 model?

wow the octocats are amazing. I was to see a colour version!

is there an npm module? :)


I am disappoint

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