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You'd be going about it the wrong way if you just looked at a list. Sometimes the underlying issues are complex, or just downright a struggle to fix or disrupt. The best thing you could do is make friends and acquaintances outside of your ingroup. Have people tell you about their problems themselves. You'll get a better idea of the problems out there the more people you talk to and dialogue with.

If you want my opinion on the main obstacles against making the world a better place: - gentrification and separation of the rich and poor - social services being a giant wasteful bureaucracy rather than a streamlined, responsive, empowering structure - gridlock in the US legislature as far as finding real solutions, leading to lack of regulations where they should be and mis-managed and destructive overregulation in others

Everyone towards the bottom is overworked and have no leftover energy and willpower to jump through all the arbitrary hoops to improve their lot in life. Something needs to change with how wealth, free time, and the benefits of efficiency are distributed in society, or the country will go into further decline and unrest.

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