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Yeah, but there are a LOT of poor people. For reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fortune_at_the_Bottom_of_th...

Total USA household wealth is somewhere around $50T, GDP $15T. Per parent post, the bottom 60% has 4.2% of wealth: that's $2.1T, or average $11,150 per person - most of which is not "disposable" (tied up in home, car, and other nonliquid essentials). Assuming same distribution for income, that's averaging $3,343 - again, most of it not "disposable" (rent, gas, food).

Yes, there are a lot of them ("poor" still being a debatable moniker when you're making more than 15x income of half the people on the planet). A lot of money can be made there, and many manage to. To the point of the lead article, a little bit from a lot of people can add up nicely for a business. To your point, there are indeed a lot of people sitting on a cumulative lot of money. To the point of the post in between, eliciting a lot of tiny slices from a lot of small piles of money is a lot harder than eliciting the same sum from a few piles orders of magnitude bigger.

Just trying to get a sense of scale here.

How about do something to uplift poor people, rather than just siphoning more money away. Affordable medical, dental, and legal help would be great focuses.

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