I know lots of people here want to do the whole startup thing so they get the whole working thing out of the way and do what they really want. But, we're such a rich nation that surely someone would sponsor worthy individuals in their pursuits. Who are these people and how do I get in contact with them?
As for my pursuit - I'm very interested in ID and figuring out what God is up to. ID based science will be the next revolution.
But, frankly, if I had guidance to offer on how to raise money for research, I wouldn't. You're seeking to do harm, whether you know it or not. Any belief system that requires lies to defend it, is a belief system that does not deserve to be heard, and ID is built entirely on lies and misdirection. If you aren't aware of the distortions of truth behind ID, then you're certainly not equipped to call yourself a "scientist" in the field.