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No offence meant edw519, but i thought it might be good to reproduce their entire text here, so that people like me who often read comments first might get a better picture.

  It’s got to be software aimed at software developers or sysadmins. 
  We specialise in Microsoft platforms, but will consider others too.

No offense taken.

I stand by my original comment.

If they specialize in Microsoft, that's all I need to know. I'm not interested, no matter what they have to say after the "but".

Microsoft software: That's where some money is. Especially on the Desktop.

"That's where some money is."

Not for me.

I don't object to Microsoft because of personal preference. I object because of software quality. Which translates into, "less money for me".

Without exception, every experience I've had with a customer who had Microsoft products on their server has been profoundly negative. I've had to account for things I would never dream of in a "-ux" environment. I have to regularly stop and deal with things normally outside my control. Which slows down progress and diverts attention from the critical path. In addition, these customers "think differently". I can't quite put my finger on it, but they just don't see possibilities they've never experienced.

So when someone says that they specialize in Microsoft, I have only 2 thoughts:

1. Good luck to them.

2. Not interested.

That's surely a rational response. I took care to write "some money" not "all money".

I'm not sure about that. Piracy of Windows desktop/end-user software is rampant. Maybe it's less for Windows server-related software?

Piracy is rampant but a lot of people and especially businesses don't want to be pirates. A lot of software businesses have been successful in making casual piracy difficult and confining piracy to places (usenet, hacker-or porn- themed websites, bittorrent, limewire) that most of their target customer won't feel comfortable going. They can't absolutely stop piracy but they can make it a lot less appetizing than the "all you can eat for free" that it used to be.

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