I agree that for the best results, changing it up (also called Muscle Confusion - http://athletics.wikia.com/wiki/Muscle_Confusion_Principle) is also necessary.
Instead of making your own workout (which most people are not qualified to do), we've built an app that asks for your goal, level, time, equipment, etc. to build you a personalized routine that changes as you go: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/pumpup-workout-coach/id57307....
The hardest part of working out shouldn't be coming up with the plan.
"Muscle Confusion" is not a legitimate physiological property.
It seems to be a mutated misunderstanding of "accommodation", which is almost entirely a nervous system phenomenon having almost little to do with adaptations in muscle tissue.
The best form of "changing it up" for hypertrophy is to modulate standard acute training variables. Merely randomly changing exercises is ... not efficient.
I wish I could upvote this several times. Muscle confusion is a b.s. term, you need periodization in your training. Merely doing random shit everyday is going to work while your are a total newb, but you'll never get really strong that way.