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Many of us game devs use C++ for performance and especially cross-platform support, so I am very interested in seeing how NDK support turns out in this. Debugging native code in particular has always been a pain point even for people who don't hate Eclipse.

Intellij is working on upcoming support for C/C++[1] (one of their things they joked about on April 1st coming true) so I imagine it will take advantage of that or Google is working with them on it.

[1] http://blog.jetbrains.com/objc/2013/04/c-ide-an-april-fools-...

This will be make or break for me as well. I'm able to code C++ with Visual Studio (and Visual Assist X) and compile it directly in the IDE with vs-android.

The only thing that could make be switch over would be a robust NDK debugger.

Try Nsight Tegra VStudio. https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-nsight-tegra

It's still rough and hampered by ndk's buggy gdb. But when it works it's beautiful! Visual Studio stepping between java and C++!!

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