> Jira is also included in this $5 offer too (we use that too - our testers/business analysts love it)
Really? They do? That's surprising, because the last 3 places I've worked with Jira, everyone hated it. I always felt like it was a super-configurable, really lame to use issue tracker.
Odd. The last several places I've worked have switched to Jira (from Mantis, Bugzilla, some home grown tool, Trac, Excel) and everyone was happier (devs, testers, PMs). Perhaps it wasn't setup well for your uses? I'm not sure.
Personally I love Jira, it's easy to configure to work the way you work, it has tons of plugins, great integrations (Eclipse, Hudson, SVN). It's by the best task/bug/project management tool I've every used.
Really? They do? That's surprising, because the last 3 places I've worked with Jira, everyone hated it. I always felt like it was a super-configurable, really lame to use issue tracker.