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> Does anyone have experience with Go as REST application server?

I'm developing my new startup (http://www.TurboHDR.com) in Go on App Engine and it's a very nice development environment.

As part of the process I recently developed a WebDAV package (which I'll open source soon) and it was quite straightforward thanks to Go's great XML package (http://golang.org/pkg/encoding/xml/) which automatically unmarshals XML into regular (possibly annotated) Go structures. The JSON package (http://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/) can do the same. It's the most painless experience dealing with XML I've ever had.

As another example, here's a simple (and admittedly, pretty frivolous) web server I wrote in Go to generate random passwords: https://github.com/jbarham/random-password-please.

> a WebDAV package (which I'll open source soon)

Please do! Sooner rather than later -- no need for perfection ;)

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