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Erlang: Efficiency Guide (erlang.org)
30 points by erlanger on April 19, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Very clean and high-level functional optimization techniques and hints. Erlang doesn't seem to have a way to circumvent the compiler for people who REALLY know what they're doing.

We Lispers have high-level optimization guidelines too, sure, but we also have the sort of "feel the bits between your toes stuff", like:


The canonical example is in psuedo C: f(x,y) = (x|y)&(x^y)

See the x86 disassembly output of that in


[Edit: HN doesn't do code snippets, shell output or anything even remotely hackish. I tried the three-spaces-before-a-line trick and it doesn't work. oh well]

Two spaces.

Much of it seems dated - before R7B. Just program as usual and measure in order to optimize. That works as a general formula for all languages. For more fun, look at the Haskell optimization guide! http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Performance

It says a lot about the participants of the "Erlang rush" that neither of these virtually canonical resources were submitted.


The canonical sources are dense and difficult to understand unless you already grasp the language, IMO.

I can understand why people wanting to jump in and get things done prefer the more, er, apocryphal sources.

"are dense and difficult to understand"

Wasn't that the point of the rush, to scare off people not l33t enough to be on HN?

Really? The "Programming Rules" guide took me maybe ten minutes to go through as a newer Erlang programmer. I found the advice to be invaluable.

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