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So how would context switching occur if not initiated by an interrupt?

Most context switches are actually triggered by a thread blocking. In a completely tickless OS you'd also set a one-shot preemption timer whenever a thread starts running (this used to be expensive, but Intel recently added the TSC deadline timer).

Doesn't it already use a preemption timer? If not, how does the kernel regain control once it schedules a piece of non-kernel code aside from that code blocking?

I haven't kept up with Linux specifically. In a tick-based OS, every tick can trigger the scheduler and the scheduler can decide to preempt. In a tickless OS you need a hardware preemption timer (otherwise the scheduler may never be invoked).

This is the key sticky bit. With hardware support for pre-emption it can work. I saw a very clever hack on a CPU for doing T1 processing (the telecoms protocol) which basically had four tasks that 'could' run and the engineer used the hardware data watch breakpoint (up to four addresses) which would interrupt to a vector when data changed at that address. This combined with the serdes interrupt for line data basically allowed everyone to 'sleep' most of the time.

Clever system but very very very difficult to maintain.

Surely the ordinary regular tick would use exactly the same hardware to get the regular tick interrupt as the tickless one would use to get an irregular preemption tick?

(I suppose I sort of don't get why this is a big deal - theoretically, I mean. Of course changing a system as widely-used as Linux is probably a challenge itself.)

I think the issue is that you don't necessarily know when you need to preempt before hand. For example, if you are a normal computer idling, in theory you do not need to do anything until something happens. However, you need to constantly check to see if anything happened, and the process of checking is doing something. With hardware support, you can skip checking when nothing happened.

You don't know when to preempt - but that's what the timer is for. It would be something of an emergency measure, because most of the time, most threads go to sleep for some other reason than running out of time. (Of course, if a thread regularly exceeds its time slice, the computer won't go into an idle state - but that's the right thing for it to do, because it isn't idle.)

As for checking for something happening, do you need to poll for this? I don't think it's necessary in the general case. Perhaps there is some broken hardware that doesn't support interrupts, but I have a hard time believing that's very common. Aside from that, nothing ever happens except by request, and (if structured right - not that I'm suggesting this is automatically easy) polling is unnecessary.

This allows for better power management since the hardware has a better understanding the state of the system. When a system is idle now the hardware is also idle and can put itself to sleep.

Isn't a timer just scheduled interrupt?

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