Help me understand. What does the smoke point itself have to do with the oils being bad for you? Assuming all the oils you mentioned are unrefined, their smoke points are all over the map, so it isn't clear whether you're saying that a low smoke point is bad or that a high smoke point is bad (palm: 455°F coconut: 350°F, sunflower: 437°F, corn: 352°F)[1]
What I do know is that the more refined an oil is (and therefore less rich in flavor and nutrients), the higher its smoke point will be. The implication being that you should pick virgin/cold-pressed/unrefined versions when you don't need the high smoke point for your cooking. Is that what you were getting at?
What I do know is that the more refined an oil is (and therefore less rich in flavor and nutrients), the higher its smoke point will be. The implication being that you should pick virgin/cold-pressed/unrefined versions when you don't need the high smoke point for your cooking. Is that what you were getting at?