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What subreddits do you recommend?

> This one is oddly fascinating -


I love that Reddit. I use it to practice my websearch skills. When I have some knowledge about something I know what words to use, so going to that subreddit gives me a bunch of stuff where I have no knowledge at all, and I need to learn the right words to use.

There's almost a sub-Reddit for everything so making recommendations is a bit like recommending your favorite bands, but some I particularly enjoy are..

/r/business, /r/coding, /r/cogsci, /r/compsci, /r/compscipapers, /r/etymology, /r/html5, /r/javascript, /r/LifeProTips, /r/programmerhumor, /r/programming, /r/tinycode, /r/wheredidthesodago

In a way it's a bit like the new Usenet, at least in terms of being able to pick and choose from so many different topics.

Reddit have said they're opposed to the concept of 'killfiles', which improve the experience for the person using them but not for the group as a whole. Reddit prefers you to downvote comments that shouldn't be there.

That can be good when you get the right subreddit.

And we used to have DejaVu (then Google) keeping all of Usenet, and it's now available. There have been some important (for computing) announcements made on Usenet and it would have been a shame to have lost those. I can imagine Reddit could get to the point where people make announcements there; and it's gently worrying that no-one is archiving this kind of stuff.

http://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/ is reasonably good imho.

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