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LulzSec was nothing more than a few script-kiddies trying to act tough by causing mayhem for no reason other than for the "lulz" if they found the leader, great work. Anyone with access to Government information who abuses that power without a noble cause deserves to be jailed.

The noble cause was the lulz. It was a 1990s style infiltration and defacing spree that didn't take itself super serial like all those moralist Anon hackers who don't realize that back in 2003 Anon was an inside joke.

They were crowd sourcing silly pranks like raining dongs in second life and writing hilarious over the top propaganda about these caveats, which was supposed to be ridiculous in it's menacing, in order to troll the media. Media never got the joke, was trolled along until unfunny fundies picked up the torch and hijacked the movement into petty politics devoid of even the smallest lulz. That's when Lulzsec decided to start up, to bring some 1990s style comedic anarchy but it ended horribly with almost all of them in jail except for SnitchBu.

Unless this Australian is 'Virus' the guy who hung around #pure-elite on their watched IRC server then he isn't lulzsec. You'd have to be a fool to use that name anyways it's a good way to get law enforcement attention

Just because you disagree with their actions it doesn't mean that they were just random script-kiddies. I am not a hacker but it certainly seemed like they had at least a modicum of true skill.

For some reason it seems that most people can't differentiate between the skill and morality of an action.

They did not have a modicum of skill. I'm neutral on their endeavours, however LOIC and SQL injection is skiddy stuff.

  | SQL injection is skiddy stuff
Why would a hacker use something overly complex when the site in question was vulnerable to SQL injection? Do true hackers with 'mad skillz' spend months to find truly unique hacks to express their artistry as well as their skills?

Why do you call those people hackers? Hackers build things, don't piss on other people's work.

Sorry. I thought that "black hat" was implicit.

LOIC, yes, but that was anonymous. SQL injection is a vulnerability - it does not make you good or bad for using it.

It's not clear from the article if he used his position to gain access to any of the systems he is accused of illegally using. Many hackers are employed in positions of responsibility, but have the common sense not to shit where they eat.

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