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Don't other browsers have a "temporary downloads" folder? For when you select "open this file with (...)" in the download dialog? Opera does.

Now I finally sort of understand why people like opening PDFs in browser plugins, I suppose ...

> I usually end up with a clusterfuck of a download directory (mine has 20 GB already in half a year, most of it is one-off downloads!)

yeah well but that is your own fault for saving temporary downloads in a non /tmp directory. just put them somewhere where they'll get cleaned out every so often. this is a computer, you don't even have to take the trash out yourself, but it's still up to you to differentiate between "to discard" and "to keep".`

Windows does not have a /tmp, and Chrome doesn't offer an easy(!) way to switch download locations per download.

Of course Windows does, $TEMP!

That folder never gets cleared.

From what I know applications are meant to clean up after themselves.

But rarely, applications do this. The only notable exceptions is Winrar temp-extractions and some installers. Most other products simply let their stuff rot in TEMP hell.

Actually there are two TEMPs, one Local Settings and one Roaming Settings TEMP. But unlike most linuxes, Windows doesn't clean them, and some applications even fuck up when you delete their temp-stuff.

You mean %TEMP%.

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