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Right, some browsers do, some don't. (I used to be able to _get_ Firefox to, with the right config, but stopped being abel to figure out how, then switched to chrome where i haven't figured out how either).

But what we need is a standard cross-browser way to request this behavior (prompt for download vs show), that by default standards-compliant browsers will comply with (I'll allow for users over-riding this default behavior with configuration, if the browser wants to support that, sure).

We don't have that. I wish html5 would add that, instead of minorly improving an annoying thing we already have (way to signal the browser to force or default to download).

Sure, it should be avail in the HTML not just in HTTP headers, so the browser can let the signal effect it's UI before it does an http request for the asset, sure.

>But what we need is a standard cross-browser way to request this behavior (prompt for download vs show), that by default standards-compliant browsers will comply with (I'll allow for users over-riding this default behavior with configuration, if the browser wants to support that, sure).

It would be annoying too. If I want to open bunch of such links as background tabs then I would need to temporally change this setting and don't forget to return it.

From usability standpoint (ignoring security and performance considerations) it's better to show me content and save button simultaneously. Then why do it only when site author wants it? Saving images is common operation and it would be better to show save button for every non-dynamic content.

Why modern browsers don't have save button (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0f/Opera_3.62.pn... ) on toolbar by default and want users to use menus for such common operation? Because designers don't have a place to put it without reducing usability for most common scenarios of browser use. Also save button was not replacement for "Save as" in context menu.

Do we have solution for situation when application is complex enough that there is bunch of operations which are used rarely but must be easily accessible in one click and could be context-dependant?

Yes. Microsoft's Ribbon.

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