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TokuDB is great technology, glad to see them embracing open source. Too bad their wordpress installation needs some tuning!

The site is down. What is great in this technology ?

The main technical underpinning (though note this isn't my area) seems to be basing indices on a particular improvement to B-trees, Cache-Oblivious Streaming B-Trees, which have some nice performance characteristics. I think what TokuDB calls "fractal trees" are just a catchier synonym.

Here's an academic paper from a few years ago from some of the people involved: http://supertech.csail.mit.edu/papers/sbtree.pdf

And a more recent talk focused on TokuDB: http://www.bnl.gov/csc/seminars/abstracts/Bender_Presentatio...

We have some more descriptions of Fractal Tree Indexes at http://tokutek.com/what-is-a-fractal-tree, and I'm always happy to answer questions about it.

For starters, it totally changes the database performance paradigm for managing tables with many indexes.

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