Generally speaking I'd say that the problem is more that most daily news will give you a distorted view of the world as you come to believe that newsworthy things are much more common than they really are. I try to follow the news only on a week to week only basis, a long enough lag to let people actually get their facts straight before rushing to report. Reading the wikipedia pages for events also tends to result in a really good summary without excess fluff.
Of course, last Friday I was stuck inside with everyone else in my section of Boston and I mostly spent the day following my friends with scanners on zephyr. So the temptation does get to be too much when the news is too close by.
Of course, last Friday I was stuck inside with everyone else in my section of Boston and I mostly spent the day following my friends with scanners on zephyr. So the temptation does get to be too much when the news is too close by.