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I'd love one of these for Android.

I am also anti-nibs:

Examples — NIB caching; Managing UI in two places (class & IB); Nightmare managing versioning and diffs (same from @SeoxyS), especially in a team environment; "Having classes that may be instantiated both from code or from NIB deserialization adds a layer of complexity and messiness to your app" (Repost from @SeoxyS); Want a custom UI implementation? Forget about using NIBs

Without NIB's — yes you have to write a lot more code. Concerns of code bloat are overblown. Your viewcontrollers are likely already bloated without inline UI implementations.

It really comes down to personal preference especially on smaller projects/apps, but I'd argue if you have ever worked on a large scale app that you are responsible for maintaining and enhancing long term, your opinion of NIB dependencies will change. This is especially true as your team pushes the limits of the UI and app performance. If I was going to teach you how to write an app, I'd explain what NIBs are (known pros and cons) and let you decide for yourself. Just like explaining to (my) kids about religion.

Fun fact, not all WWDC examples use NIBs. Say what?! Blasphemy!

Also a fun fact: Stanford University in their CS 193p classes teaches how to utilize Storyboards. And Auto Layout. And everything else that Apple provides for the devs.

There is a huge difference between academia and real world products shipped by teams w/real world experience w/academic backgrounds.

Stanford academic guidelines endorsed and supported by Apple, Inc.

I wonder what approach Evan Doll uses at Flipboard...hmmm?

While I have no idea why M4v3R made that comment, as it's utterly irrelevant what Stanford teaches in their iPhone app class, it's also evident that you don't even know what M4v3R is referencing. He's referring to a class Stanford teaches on making iPhone apps, which has nothing to do with any sort of academic guidelines. The professor chose to use Storyboards, and that's that.

Research would serve you well in the history of CS193P.

+1 for this. Also, I18n with nib files is a pain, the CLI tool that xcode provide for translating nib files is a joke really... Also, if you have custom UI or a custom font, you're nib file will look like shit anyway...

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