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Amazon Services Hackpad (hackpad.com)
58 points by socmoth on April 3, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

When I look at such summarized reports of AWS, it occurs to me how mature and comprehensive their platform is. Does any other commercial cloud vendor offer such a plethora of services under a single unified umbrella for startups?

Even their prices are extremely competitive when talking about the small to mid range scale. It is amazing what this company has done in terms of innovating and bringing frictionless cloud services to individuals with about $100 in their pocket.

Paul, it's tough to do preliminary research on AWS and summarize it so concisely. Best woud be to start/continue using sets of services and the nuances and "gotchas" you noted will become clearer. Particularly EC2. For example, here are some points you noted followed by --> some clarifications:

* Lots of different sizes for cpus. --> Virtual servers come in many configurations. Choose based on the combination of CPU, RAM and disk I/O required.

* Only scales down to 40 dollars a month. --> t1.micro instances are $15/month. m1.small instances are $40/month or as low as $25/month with reserved instances (amortized over 1 year) or even less than $25/month with spot instances.

* If you reboot it, the data will disappear. --> No. Data is not lost on reboot. Most instances have two types of storage: EBS and Instance Store. The Instance Store data is lost when instances are powered off. EBS and Instance Store data survives across reboots. Understanding the difference between a rebot and a power-off is important.

* Firewall is turned on by default so you can't connect to it. Have to turn that off. --> Clearer would be to say firewall ports need to be opened to support the services you need (such as SSH/RDP, HTTP, etc.).

* The name of it changes on reboot. No. The DNS name, external IP and internal AWS IP are preserved across reboots. They are lost when an instance is powered off. (See above.)

* Use the IPs which amazon gives away for free. --> AWS limits you to 5 Elastic IP addresses (for the most part). You can (for the most part) avoid using Elastic IPs by using the public DNS of the instances, often in conjunction with your own domain DNS. For example, a database server might resolve like so:

    db1.example.com (your domain)
    |-> ec2-12-34-56-789.compute-1.amazonaws.com (public AWS DNS)
        |-> (public IP if you are outside of AWS)
        |-> (internal AWS IP if you are inside AWS)
Enjoy the learning experience. It will take some time for it to all sink in.

Oh, I've been using EC2 + S3 for five years (2007). I was looking in to the newer stuff (beanstalk, dynamodb).

Please add your feedback to the details pads so other people can use it in the future. That is why I posted it on hackpad and not my blog.

EDIT: thanks for the feedback.

Sorry if I wasn't clear of the purpose. I don't love the Amazon documentation and wish people would use Hackpad instead because it would be more up to date.

This is my effort to bootstrap that step by providing and overview and details rather than googling old blog entries ever time I want to setup EC2 with ubuntu.

Do you have any specific criticisms of our documentation that I can pass along to our team? Do you want more, less, or something different? Feel free to post or contact me via the email address in my profile.

This is a nice demonstration of where HackPad shines.

Also, here is my favorite HackPad easter-egg:

    If you want to create a hackpad with a nice url, just go to
    http://hackpad.com/<AnythingYouWant>, and it will create a new pad
    with that URL instead of an [ugly] random hash.

I tried clicking through on the "Details, criticism, and gotchas" links only to get that overlay asking me to "Join the conversation" when I got there, and again when I got back each time. What an asshole move.

Thanks for the feedback - we'll get this fixed.

Every time I navigated within the site I got a popup telling me to sign in with facebook or google. Incredibly frustrating and I don't even know why I would care to sign into that site.

Great research, but browsing this I got the "Join the conversation" popup every time I changed pages. Super, super frustrating and made me stop reading pretty quickly. Left a bad taste in my mouth about hackpad.

Created after 2000 and has hack or related terms in the url? no thanks. I also dislike that it hijacks my browser middle mouse button; I can't open up the links in new tabs.

Just use a wiki..

On the monitoring side, we're shortly moving into private beta for Stackdriver. Ping me if you want early access. @whirlycott

You think it might be worth starting a competitors page for each service?

Certainly, there's a whole ecosystem of add-on services for AWS that improve the whole experience.

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