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Ok just spun up a test server with digitalcloud on the beta, very easy to set up. One thing I'd like to know more about is security/hardening on a vanilla install.

I'd happily move a live site over to test if I know what's been done under the hood as part of the install.

Either way I see this doing well.

Thanks for testing us out and for the positive words.

We don't do any additional server hardening at the moment. Our focus on security right now is primarily on the security of our software and how we configure services. Depending on demand, we'll consider how soon these additional features are added.

We'll be adding more documentation soon and that will include architecture and security docs that explain exactly how FreedomCP works and what gets installed. Some of those details are in flux as we're still early in development. Feel free to email support@freedomcp.com with specific questions until we have more documentation.

Also, we're looking for people passionate about both server management and security. If anyone's interested, check out our jobs page at https://angel.co/freedomcp/jobs

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