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That's a pretty carefully thought out list of grievances.

What do you mean by 1), though? The link shows a list of methods you can't override on NSManagedObject, but they're things like -class and -isEqual:, which seems pretty reasonable for a system that needs to inspect and compare its objects.

Core Data does solve a few tough problems well. Faulting, uniquing, and cross-context change merging are probably the top three. Yes, it can be much simpler to just query SQLite, but I've never seen somebody do that and abstract away updating stale copies of objects.

> What do you mean by 1), though? The link shows a list of methods you can't override on NSManagedObject, but they're things like -class and -isEqual:, which seems pretty reasonable for a system that needs to inspect and compare its objects.

Well, keep scrolling :~)

Especially 'Custom Instance Variables' and 'Custom Accessor Methods' and 'Validation Methods'. I don't think it's controversial that defining derived instance variables, accessor methods, or other derived state on model classes is an unusual or unwarranted desire, yet doing so with Core Data requires considerably more effort and complexity than a simple model object.

I've subclassed NSManagedObject and added instance variables and custom accessors literally every time I've written Core Data code. It's usually not a problem -- yes, you do have to do a couple things to preserve the underlying behavior.

What problems have you had?

I've found the 'couple things' to introduce enough overhead, that when coupled with the other downsides, Core Data hasn't saved me time, reduced LoC, provided any performance advantages, or improved code quality.

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